E-Flight starts with electric flying in the Caribbean islands

E-Flight start met elektrisch vliegen op de Caribische eilanden

The Dutch startup E-Flight launched the first electric flight school in Europe in Teuge last year. In July of this year, E-Flight will open its first electric flight school on the island of Bonaire. E-Flight sees endless possibilities and collaborations in the field of innovation and sustainability on the Caribbean islands. The short distances between the islands, the sustainable ambitions, and the willingness of local parties make this area the perfect playground to accelerate electric flying.

Sustainable flying at the highest level
The new branch of E-Flight in Bonaire will focus on a target group from a large geographical area. The sustainable flight school hopes to attract students from the ABC islands themselves or Dutch students who want to do a part of their training in Bonaire. But also students from South America and the southern coast of the USA. Currently, flight schools in this region mainly provide American FAA training. While E-Flight operates according to European EASA regulations. Worldwide, more and more countries and airlines are operating according to EASA regulations because it represents the highest level.

Quickly scalable through Airplanes As a Service (AAS)
E-Flight sees the Caribbean region as a huge growth market for electric flying due to the favorable flying climate and the sustainable goals of all ABC islands. In the Netherlands, E-Flight has already experienced that the demand for electric flying is high. Within one year, E-Flight grew in the Netherlands from 0 to 30 students and performed more than 2000 electric take-offs. To anticipate rapid growth and expansion to other ABC islands, E-Flight has entered into a close collaboration with the French Green AeroleaseGreen Aerolease has a fleet of 50 electric aircraft of the Pipistrel Velis Electro type that they use as Offering Airplanes As a Service (AAS) to flight schools with sustainable ambitions. 

Sustainable maintenance according to European regulations
Since E-Flight operates according to the European EASA standard, EASA certified maintenance will be required. E-Flight has therefore partnered with their Dutch maintenance company. Hangar OneCurrently, they are developing the strategy and planning for expansion into the Caribbean region. 


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