Fly anywhere with a PPL

  • 45 hours flying time of which 37 hours electric
  • Theory and practice included
  • Rating for both Electric and single-engine piston in one

    You are a pilot

    With a Private Pilot License - abbreviated a PPL - you can take off from any airport. From Teuge to Toronto with single-engine aircraft. You can rent airplanes and bring your friends. We train you for both electrical aircraft and single-engine propeller aircraft.

    A whole world to explore

    A PPL enables you to

    Download our brochure

    Head of training at E-Flight

    Years of experience

    Want to know more? Let's call.

    A PPL training costs € 18,965

    This price includes VAT. We try to offer as much as possible within the package and are completely transparent about the costs. Is something unclear? Let us know, we are happy to explain more.

    This is in the PPL package


    • Access to an extensive e-learning environment so that you can master the nine theory courses on your own pace. Including 24 hours of classroom supervision.
    • All theory exams
    • Radio/Telephony practical course
    • Language Proficiency Endorsement (LPE) language test
    • Exam training


    • Total 45 flying hours
    • 35 hours with instructor including pre- and debriefing
    • 10 hours solo including pre-briefing
    • 150 take-offs and landings
    • 37 hours flying our electric aircraft, 8 hours single engine piston (of course the CO2 will be compensated)
    • Including electricity and fuel

    Also important; this is not included

    The following are variable costs or components we cannot include in the package.

    • Extra training hours and extra landings. The 45 hours of practical training in PPL course is the legally determined minimum number of hours. This is, on average, exceeded by 15% to 20%. Because this is different for every student, we cannot include this in the package. You can of course purchase extra lessons from us per lesson or per package of five lessons. Soon it will also be possible to take extra lessons on our simulator.
    • Medical examination. Before flying solo, a class 2 medical certificate is required, which costs € 375.
    • The practical exam. This exam is administered by a qualified examiner and costs between €500 and €600
    • Costs for issuing first certificate at KIWA* €638.88 (price level at the end of 2020)

    We are of course happy to help you on the way. Do you have questions? Let us know

    Everything together

    Download our comprehensive brochure

    Request brochure (Dutch)

    Interested? Do you start with a trial lesson or assessment?

    We have a limited number of training places available each month. If you want to experience what it's like first, you can book a trial lesson or an assessment. These are the first six lessons of the training. The assessment also gives you insight into what the overall training would be like for you. All six lessons count towards the required training hours you need to complete the training.

    Book assessment Book trial lesson

    No trial lesson or assessment needed? Register here for the entire training

    Please note, there are a number of conditions

    • You must be 16 years of age or older. A requirement for solo flights.
    • You must be 17 years old to take a practical PPL exam.
    • If you are heavier than 90 kilos, please call us first. With max. 600kg takeoff weight, there are limitations.
    • You are healthy. You must be in possession of a medical class 2. We will help get your medical examination if needed.
    • You are fluent in English. You must score at least level 4 on the English language proficiency exam. This exam is part of the training.

    Everything starts with your PPL

    With a PPL you can follow various further training courses at flight schools all over the world

    • Learn to fly on a twin-engine aircraft
    • Get your commercial license (CPL)
    • Become a flight instructor
    • Learn to fly in the evening and night (Night Rating)
    • Learn Stunt Flying
    • Learn to fly an airplane by instruments and not by sight (instrument rating).

    A PPL is recognized everywhere. You can..

    • Flying your own single-engine plane
    • Rent an airplane anywhere in the world. In the Alps, in the United States, in Australia, in South Africa
    • Fly abroad with your friends or family