E-Flight pitches to Prime Minister Rutte

(E-Flight founder Evert-Jan Feld hands over an E-Flight patch to Prime Minister Rutte)
Prime Minister Rutte visited the urban triangle region on Wednesday, February 8th. Apeldoorn, Deventer, and Zutphen. Because Teuge is located in the middle of these cities, the world's first electric flight school E-Flight Academy was allowed to pitch their unique concept. Prime Minister Rutte was visibly impressed by the fact that there is nowhere else in the world where as much electric flying takes place as in Teuge.
In a 7-minute pitch by co-founder Evert-Jan Feld, the concept of E-Flight Academy was pitched to the Prime Minister. What started as an electric flight school has now grown into a serious player in the sustainable aviation sector.
Total concept
E-Flight Academy is a total concept. With no less than 4 electric airplanes, more than 35 students are currently being sustainably trained as pilots. The high-end hangar where E-Flight started as a start-up has been purchased and transformed into E-Deck, where the E-Campus is currently being developed with 10 sustainable aviation start-ups. In addition, E-Flight is developing its own E-simulator, with which a large part of the curriculum can also be taught on the ground in the future.
The bigger picture
Finally, E-Flight pitched its most recent development: The Electric Flying ConnectionThe first industry association in the world for electric flying. An application has been made to the National Growth Fund for a 7-year program involving more than 30 organizations to accelerate sustainable aviation.
Provocative statement
The pitch ended with a provocative statement to the prime minister and the audience in the room:
"Om koploper op het gebied van elektrisch vliegen in Europa te blijven, moet de overheid elektrisch vliegen omarmen en start-ups & scale-ups veel meer ondersteunen."
A fascinating conversation started with many interesting questions and a very positive outcome!
View the presentation here
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