KFA and E-Flight Academy extend partnership in electric flying

KFA en E-Flight Academy verlengen samenwerking elektrisch vliegen

In 2021, the KLM Flight Academy (KFA) announced on its 75th anniversary to focus on the most sustainable flight training possible. An important first step was conducting a trial in which KFA students, as part of their training, took several lessons in electric flying at the E-Flight Academy at Teuge Airport. This trial was successful, leading both academies to decide to extend their collaboration. 

The trial consisted of one class from the KFA, in which one flight lesson from the curriculum was replaced by two flight lessons on the Velis Electro at E-Flight Academy. The primary goal was to gain as much experience as possible with electric flying for both the students, the KFA, and E-Flight Academy. The trial has shown that, even in this limited scope, the future KLM pilots can already learn a lot about electric flying and the differences with flying with combustion engines. The pilot has now been positively evaluated and the collaboration will continue in its current form for all KFA students who started their training in 2021 and 2022. 

The KFA aims to expand the amount of electric flying within its curriculum. KFA and E-Flight Academy are exploring the possibilities for this, but the current electric training aircraft still have a limited range, making expansion difficult. 

KFA has already secured options for the purchase of the next generation of electric training aircraft. which can fly further and currently being developed by Bye Aerospace in the US and expected to be deployed in 2025 or 2026.

Evert-Jan Feld, co-founder and Head of Training of E-Flight Academy: At E-Flight Academy, we believe in a quiet and clean airspace where everyone wants and can continue to fly. The continuation of the collaboration with the KFA is a strong and positive signal for future pilots and the future of sustainable aviation!

Bart de Vries, director of KFA: Leader E-Flight Academy has proven to be a valuable addition to our curriculum with this pilot. It is important and good that our students are already gaining 'hands-on' experience with sustainable flying. Everyone in our organization is enthusiastic. We are very much looking forward to the continuation of this collaboration. 

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For more information, please contact E-Flight Academy, Merlijn van Vliet 06-15896506 or KLM Flight Academy, Louise Modderman 06-57930833

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